Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Grass IS Always Greener

Inspiration: Day 2 of being consistent in my thoughts, deeds and actions.

So yesterday I decided to commit to writing 21 days straight in this blog. I am excited to continue to express whatever musings and insights come into my minds eye. When contemplating what to scribe today, what "popped" in was a conversation I had with a friend last week.

This friend is a very talented musician who is married with two adorable children. His wife is an extremely successful international performer/singer. So for the past few years he has become mother so to speak; staying home, putting his creativity and dreams aside. They lead a very "comfortable" and abundant life on the surface, traveling all over the world, taking vacations to wherever they desire.

But on this particular day, I received a text from this friend asking if I had time to meet with him. He has never done this so spontaneously before, so I knew it was important. We met at a local coffee shop and I immediately knew when I saw his face what had transpired. His wife had an affair...He looked so vulnerable, so sad. But out of this space I saw a tremendous future for him. Let me explain.

For some time, he had conveyed to me how unhappy he was in his marriage and how the light, spontaneity and luster had disappeared. How he had pretty much felt like an invisible doormat. So we sat down and chatted for a bit. I told him, "This is a huge blessing and opportunity! You have told me how unhappy you have been and this is the doorway. It might not FEEL like it right now, but in time you will be amazed how wonderful this is."

He then when on to tell me he found a new studio space to practice his drumming and that new opportunities had already been presented to work with prominent musicians. All since this news went down with his wife!
Interesting right?

The universe or world we live in is like a cosmic computer. Our thoughts, feelings and actions ultimately manifest in some way in the physical. Many times, it is not to our liking. We would much prefer sugar coated ice-cream sundaes and magic fairy dust (just like how that sounds for some strange reason). What we usually get is a kick in the ass to wake us up!

So for my dear friend, I feel (and intuitively he knows this), he has turned a corner. A door is opening that he is beginning to walk towards. This will take time, but what he received is a divine opportunity to step out of that which no longer serves and to give birth to what makes his heart sing in all ways. With patience, kindness and compassion, may he find his rainbow...

In closing, I invite you all to lovingly take a good look at what your life looks like. Are you happy?  Is there something that needs some fine-tuning or letting go? Ponder that for a bit and have an amazing day!!!

With Love, Denise

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