Saturday, July 31, 2010

First Outdoor Jog in Years

Inspiration: To really tune in to what my body needs in each moment.

It is a beautiful sunny day here in NYC. The thought of being inside a gym today for exercise is not an option. I need nature; trees, sunlight, flowers. After not running outside for a couple of years (okay, once on vacation 1.5 years ago), I decided to put on my sneakers and clear my head. I could not find the stillness to sit quietly this morning so this was an equally good alternative.

Historically, the old, competitive Denise, thought running anything less than 6 miles was a waste of time. The new evolving, learning balance Denise, decided to do a much shorter jog than she would ever entertain.

Instead of going to Central Park, which to me represents my competitive days of training and running half-marathons, I decided to go to my favorite place, Riverside Park. The only obstacle (if you could call it that), is that jogging in this park is not circular, as Central Park is. Meaning, you have to turn around.

I decided, I would practice what I preach and ended up going about 2.5 miles. Probably even a bit aggressive since I have not run in years. Still in decent shape, I give myself a break, enjoy the sites and really feel my body; each step. A new awakening for me.

Historically, my attitude was all or nothing. I have prayed to surrender my compulsions and "addictions" for exercise for years. Finally, I am slowly beginning to taste the fruits of this process. Having done this,I now realize I do miss moving with the flow of the "natural" elements. It is very grounding...... May this be the beginning of a new me.:)

I invite you all to listen, really listen, to what make your heart sing. Whether it be exercise or art, go and explore. Enjoy and be happy.

Have a "wonderful" day.

With Love, Denise

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