Sunday, February 21, 2010


Inspiration: To continue along this wonderful path that brings my joy.

Yesterday, was a bit difficult. We all have days where we are not our most inspired. We feel angry, sad and discouraged. A feeling that we think will last forever. The good news is, it doesn't.

In these moments, the best we can do is to honor these emotions. Feel these feeling; deeply. Let the tears flow. It is the best way to release. Ask yourself "What is it that I am really having difficulty with." Usually, the answer is more general than a certain situation. The situation is the trigger to open our awareness. In many cases, it is the ego, I want it now, why isn't this happening, it has been too long that leaves us with a feeling of despair. Invite the ego in. Have a talk with him/her.

If we really stay present to what is in each moment, a softening of the emotions with prevail. It is when there are repeated projections into the past and future, that we lose our perspective. Call your spirit back to the here and now. Be with what is. Anything can shift in a moment when there is presence and complete acceptance.

Have a very "peaceful" day.

Warmly, Denise


  1. That was so me one day last week. Your words are great source of inspiration and tranquility Denise! Thank you.

  2. My pleasure Sims. You are an amazing individual, both inside and out!
