Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nurturing the Soul

Inspiration: To continue to lovingly honor the body and its messages.


As I tend to write inspirations of a more "holistic" nature, I myself am a very physical person. For years, I have trained vigorously, not listening to the fatigue and exhaustion I was feeling. Yesterday was no exception.

On Saturdays, my ego says I have to go to the gym and perform an elongated workout of cardio, weight training and yoga. MY body did not want to get out of bed, but my mind talked me into it. I usually sit quietly in the morning before I enter the world at large, but on this particular morning I just wanted to "Get it over with". That I did and for the rest of the day I was irritable, hungry and a bit disconnected.

The guidance that morning was to stay in bed, possibly take a yoga class and enjoy nature. Instead, I worked out, probably a bit too long, took a nap and missed most of the beautiful day until about 4PM.

We all want to look and feel good. Especially as we mature, it is paramount to lovingly listen to what the body needs. As I am human, and always learning, I have again become humbled to what my body can endure. As I am now entering my 44th year, the desire to be kinder to myself in all ways is what is being asked.

Are you all being kind to yourself. Listening to what the body needs
in each moment? Especially in the world of fitness, we are encouraged to push beyond what is necessary for health, wellness and shape. We don't get a gold star for our physical accomplishments. Listen, learn and trust. :)

Have a very "peaceful" day.

Warmly, Denise

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