Monday, March 22, 2010

Blooming Where You are Planted

Inspiration: To know that in this moment, seeds planted are blooming.

On Sunday nights, I tend to watch Joel Osteen lectures on television. For those unfamiliar with this man, he is a famous, published pastor from Texas. Each week there is a message. This week's message was to bloom where you are planted. As I am not a religious being, I enjoy watching his talks for his positivity and the ability to inspire.

Last night was no exception. It is amazing we always get what we need. His message of embracing our current situation, whether it be of a personal or professional nature was exactly what I needed to hear. We all tend to project what is missing from our lives. When I get this, or when I achieve that, all will be perfect. According to Joel, everything is exactly as it is supposed to be now. The more we resist what is, the more we stay in the same place.

Many of us lose patience with the process, wanting to push things to happen before it is the right time. Maybe we are not ready? Maybe there is something more to learn before we step into living our deepest dreams.

They say patience is a virtue. As the wonderful inspirational teacher Wayne Dyer states "infinite patience produces immediate results." Be the best you can be in each moment, coming from your truth and integrity. When the season is ripe, your wishes will become a physical reality.

Have a very "peaceful" day.

With Love,

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