Thursday, September 10, 2009


Inspiration: To ride the waves with ease and grace.

AS the weather is beginning to shift, as are the sunrise and sunset hours, we too are in the process of realigning. Summer is nearing its end, Autumn is approaching. Many of you have traveled and explored the endless possibilities that summer (expansion) holds for us.

As we approach a new season, it is a good opportunity for us to move forward in an authentic way with our dreams. This is a time for stability and being grounded. The legs, feet, and base of the spine are our connection to the earth. It is our first chakra, which is our safety and security as well as family of origin.
How are you feeling at this present moment?
Do you feel sluggish or stuck?

Simply walking in a peaceful environment holds tremendous healing potential. Standing yoga poses are also an excellent way to find our footing. It is essential to move so we can release any negative energies and toxins our bodies are holding.
For me personally, I have found the integration of a consistent yoga practice coupled with gym workouts, provide me with the essentials I need to keep my center.

I invite you all to take inventory of your feelings. If you are one of those people reading that has not actively moved in a bit, I ask you to please consider the myriad of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual benefits that can be attained.

May you have a very "peaceful" evening.
Warmly, Denise

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