Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Time to Begin

Inspiration: To begin again today.

Greetings. So many of us have aspirations, whether it is to lose some weight, change vocations, or find a life partner. It is so easy to get discouraged after things do not turn out how you would like. There is always a reason and a season. Each moment of each day, affords us the opportunity to choose where to focus our energy.

It does not matter how long or how many times, we can always begin again. Possibly from a new perspective. Maybe we have to change our thinking into a new behavior. As James Arthur Ray, a prominent motivational speaker says: "It is going three for three. Our thoughts, feelings and actions." Are these three in sync for you? It is one thing to say I want it, but are you taking the necessary steps to fulfill your desires.

This takes consistency and a lot of patience. Trust me. It is a place I am very familiar with. If it was easy, then the manifestation would
not be so amazing. Trust yourself, trust life and have some faith.

I wish you all a very "peaceful" day.

With Love, Denise

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