Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lost It IN A Cab Ride Today

Inspiration: To realize that no matter how much inner work I do, I am still HUMAN and possess some qualities that are not so great. :(

Anger. Not a positively charged emotion. But certainly one. Today my anger came out full-force on a very kind cab driver. It was not his fault that the cars were crawling through 79th Street Crosstown. It was my mistake not "listening" to my gut.

I was in need of a yoga class, but not just any class. A class that spoke to my mind, body and spirit. Who better than acclaimed Equinox yogi Adrian Molina. The only class that fit into my schedule he taught was at 6:15pm on 33rd and Park Avenue. Mind you, I reside on West 78th Street.  So about 45 minutes before the start of class, I make my way to the 79th Street Crosstown stop. It was about 5:35pm and I just missed a bus. The safe thing was to just grab a 6pm class on the West Side but that was just too easy.

So now it is nearly 5:45pm, no bus in sight. I quickly jump into a cab with a very kind driver. We muddle crosstown and I am beginning to "FREAK the F--K" Out ! I personally know Adrian well, and I did not want to be disrespectable and show up late. Truth be told, I have a lot of judgment about people who show up late to class. After today's experience, I will surrender this attitude.

To make the story shorter, traffic was rampant and I began to have a bit of a hissy fit. The old Denise was emerging. The angry, aggressive, but apologetic, "fiesty"Denise. A part of myself I long thought I threw away but just guess it was buried down inside. So I finally make it to class about 8 minutes late, jump in, and begin to breathe. Instantly, I feel better.

After class, I shared this experience with Adrian who gently reminded me that I am human and to try my best not to judge myself. It is so "wonderful" to have this reflected back to me.:). Life continues to be a journey and a process. Be kind to yourself, be present and stay positive.

Have a very "peaceful" evening.

With Love, Denise

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