Monday, August 3, 2009


Inspiration: To see myself as already there.:)

Do you have a vision or dream?
Do you have an idea of what you would like your life to look like?

It is easy to say I want this or that, but are you consistently and consciously empowering yourself in that direction? Wishful thinking is just that, wishful thinking. True vision is the ability to hold steady to your trajectory with unwavering focus. This is often challenging when our day to day lives may feel quite overwhelming.

"Keep your eye on the prize." Great things take time. If you are like me, we say, "It's enough already. I have been wanting this for years." The world (or universe) responds to us "So what". You always get more of what you are thinking about. The best advice I have stumbled upon is really to only focus on your hopes and desires and not your fears. Fear creates more fear and stagnation and elongation in purgatory; as I like to call it.

Here are some suggestions for staying on track:

*Find a mentor, coach, or alternative practitioner.
*Pray and ask for guidance.
*Have a practice of gratitude for those things that are in your life now.:)
*Spend time in nature everyday and release past patterns.
*Take small (even if it is one thing) steps each day.
*Pray and ask for guidance. This is between you and your source.
*Be open to receiving or allowing. We must "feel" open to receive the answers.

I wish you all a "peaceful" and easy day.


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