Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Accessibility of Yoga

Inspiration: To share my love of yoga to the masses.

I have been deeply inspired by the class I took on Tuesday with Mark Whitwell. This morning while walking to a client, it hit me. How do I make yoga accessible to the fitness community? Being a lifelong athlete and fitness teacher, I feel that the time is now to incorporate the necessity of having some form of yoga into a fitness persons regimen. Today again, I am going to hear this great man teach. MY wish is to get "clearer" through his work how I can make a difference in the world with the skills and experience I possess.

I will continue to seek out people and situations that resonate with the deep part of who I am. In my own active world, I am slowly letting go of what no longer serves me.

My intention is to teach this to others I have the privilege of knowing and working with. I look forward to this opportunity with an open heart.

May you all have a very "peaceful" and easy day.

Namaste, Denise

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