Monday, July 6, 2009

July 4th Weekend

Inspiration: To feel the outdoors and all of its beauty.

Hope you had an "amazing" July 4th weekend !!! The weather was stellar.:)
I had a wonderful opportunity to watch the fireworks on a rooftop in NYC. I do not remember the last time I saw fireworks. Must be ions ago. It is truly "awesome" to see how "bright colors in the sky" make adults scream with the awe of a child.

All of us most likely indulged a bit more. This is good. Life is to be enjoyed. It is all about balance. If we restrict ourselves too much in any way this can cause irritability and possibly anger. Today is a new day. So if you are feeling not so great, take heart. You can begin again.

The weather continues to be beautiful this week. I cannot reinforce enough how being outside really lifts one's "spirits". Just sitting in the park, on grass barefoot for 10-15 minutes, has an extremely peaceful effect.

Yesterday I was in Riverside Park. It truly is lovely. On weekends, it is also a bit quieter than our infamous Central Park. There are beautiful clusters of flowers and bushes. The scenery is also spectacular in some areas. As I walked by a unified flowered bush, I saw the most beautiful flowers of purple and lavender. Some of the flowers reminded me of a butterfly. Upon taking a closer look, I actually stopped in the moment to connect with this flower. I wish I could bottle that moment and share it with you. It was very "peaceful".

Today, spend some time outside. Even if you feel "decadent" to leave your office. It is worth it and you will FEEL energized and more productive than you could imagine.

Enjoy today. That is really what is asked of us. To live each day to the fullest.


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