Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Manifestation Monday

Inspiration: To follow the guidance that will bring my dreams to reality.

On the second Monday of each month, there is a monthly gathering held at the Cultural Center on the Upper West Side. It is referred to as manifestation Mondays or embracing your future self. The group is led  by "intuitive" counselor Tony Leroy. He is well known for giving amazingly accurate, detailed information. You never know what will come through on these evenings.:)

The topic last night centered around the question "What is my next step, where does my true power reside?" It was an intense evening where we were all being asked to go deep, really deep. He also asked us to tap into the period of our lives where we lost our power ( at what age).  Each of us (about a group of 25) had different answers stemming from 2-25. We then sat quietly,  meditating on uniting who we are now with that part of us that felt we lost control. It was tough, but liberating.

Additionally on these evenings, we all pull a tarot card surrounding the question at hand. When it was my turn I closed my eyes, took a breathe and asked for whatever I needed to know to please show up. I received the card The Four of Wands- Completion. I knew this was positive and couldn't wait to hear what Tony had to say. To my surprise he told me the universe had this big "JEWEL" it wanted to hand to me. It was holding out it's hand and waiting for me to take it. To receive and to let it be. He then went on to elaborate as follows:

" You know how you think everything has to be arranged a certain way. This has to be over here, this in front, etc. STOP it! Let it go. Let it in." Sounds so simple, but we live in a world of constantly striving and pushing to make things happen. So today, I lovingly embrace this "guidance" and say YES to it all."

I share this with you because we are all guilty of pushing and trying too hard. We feel that things have to be arranged in a certain way before we can allow our desires to come to fruition. Let's create space and peace within to let it be. Let go and let God, the universe or whatever you call it handle the details.  Think about it and have a very "peaceful day...

With Love, D

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