Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Mysterious Flowers

Inspiration: To continue to believe in miracles...

A short, true tidbit from Mothers Day......On Sunday evening, I received a call from my mom saying "Thank you for the flowers, they are different." This was after I had taken an "amazing" yoga class at Pure Yoga with one of my favorites Ariel Karass. Not only is this man soulful, kind and creative; he has the unique ability to bring tears to my eyes with his words before we begin to FLOW.

Anyway, back to mom. So I give my mom a call after working through my feelings. Again, she says "thank you for the flowers." I reply " Really? Did I send some." to which she really does say YES. I thought about it but did not send them. There were really flowers delivered to her. I asked if there was a card and she said it must have fallen off. Talk about the twilight zone......To whatever "powers" that be, I say a big THANK YOU. In the real world, this must have been meant for someone else, but in the world of "spirit" or the divine, these were meant for my mom. :-)

Another reminder, that there are powers beyond our rational understanding that are at work. I savor in these divine events that cannot be explained by the rational. So whenever you have doubt, try to hold space for possibility beyond your conscious comprehension.

Have a very "peaceful " evening.

With Love, Denise

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