Thursday, December 31, 2009


Inspiration: To embrace all I have learned and experienced this past year with gratitude.

Another year has flown by. For many, a year filled with great life lessons. Personally, I have learned that humility has no boundaries. It has been a year of great change. An awakening to what fills me with joy and that which needs to be released. To honor the deep wishes of my soul.

We are all being asked to step into our authentic selves. We have a choice to surrender with grace or to resist with struggle. The later will only cause turmoil. I lovingly invite you all to embrace all of the shifts and changes that have or are occurring in your world.

Astrologically speaking, we are in a period of a Mercury Retrograde cycle which affords us the opportunity to revisit our past, where we are now, and what we would like to bring in for 2010. This can bring up a lot of frustrations and fears. Please do not give in. Breathe through the challenges. A more evolved "YOU" will emerge with more light, love and patience.

So thank you 2009. You have been a true teacher.
On this New Years Eve, make a wish, in writing and thank the stars for the many blessings that are here for you now.

With Love,

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