Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Healing "POWER" of Almond Butter

Inspiration: To give myself permission to "let go" and savor; everything.

Almond butter. The texture, smell and taste. So yummy.:) This has become my (almost) daily indulgence. I look forward to visiting Westerly Market in Hells Kitchen NYC where they have an almond butter machine. Only almonds, free flowing when you press the button. I watch with a child's excitement as this oozes into my container. Why does this excite me? Because I am now allowing myself the freedom to let go. You have to start somewhere, right?

Savoring this creamy delight, will a spoon in hand in abundant portions has brought me much comfort this winter. Don't know exactly why, but it does. This is the beginning of allowing myself to release my strict and very ritualistic daily routines.:)

Wherever our inspiration comes from, we should just go with it. For now, it's almond butter. Next up, dance classes at Alvin Ailey. I was there once a few years ago, to take West African Dance. On this particular day all I wanted to experience was the loud drums playing and just moving to the rhythm. To my dismay, there were only four students present and the teacher, nearly forced me to do the dance perfectly.  This has kept me from returning, but my almond butter experience is helping me to release this.

Whenever we give ourselves permission to explore, and let go a bit , new avenues of creativity and direction begin to unfold. So I lovingly invite you all to "open" a bit more. In whatever shape speaks to you. From this space anything is possible.

Have a very "peaceful" day.

With Love, Denise

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