Tuesday, February 23, 2010

On Patience

The inital posting for this entry was on 6/23/09. I thought it would be helpful to post again. Enjoy....

Inspiration: To graciously await all the miracles that lie before me.

Patience. How many times have people said "Just have some patience." Then internally you start to get more agitated that what you desire to happen is not. The act of patience, like anything else, requires discipline. The "I want it now" attitude will only further exacerbate the situation.

Patience is a great teacher. It shows us where we are holding on too tightly. Wayne Dwyer has said "Infinite patience produces immediate results." Then there is no more wanting but the allowing for your desired outcome to occur at precisely the right moment.

Patience also cultivates tolerance and compassion, for ourselves and others. It expands our sense of ego isolation saying "Now".We become more kind. This transfers into ever area of our life. When confronted with a challenging situation ask yourself' "What am I to learn here." There is always a gift in an uncomfortable moment. It is just a matter of one's perception.

So the next time you are find yourself standing in a slow moving, long line somewhere, this is an opportunity to practice; ........Breathing also helps. :)



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